Friday, January 8, 2016


With another law school semester completed, time for another mockup!

This is a redo of my Base One/Two concepts. However, more or less everything is different except the common core of characters I designed along with those mockups. Here are those characters:

From left to right: Tahliah, Timur Genrich, Wilhemina, Ume (formerly Zoe in my Base Two mockup), Marjah Khan.

This mockup features Tahliah - the would-be protagonist of the game - a scavenger who stumbles upon a dead body in a scrap heap. This unfortunate discovery puts her in the crosshairs of interplanetary ace detective Timur Genrich (!) (also depicted in the mockup), who wants her for questioning.

In terms of style, I tried to move away from a rigid tile-based structure. I had worked on a previous Base One/Two Redesign and when it was about 80% complete, I found it incredibly boring to look at. Here's what it looked like before I abandoned it:

Some of these assets are salvageable, but the overall scheme seemed beyond redemption. It's also rather large for the character sizes.

I'm working on another mockup of this hypothetical game. As you can see, I've made tremendous progress so far:

That's all for now, but stay tuned. I may have another mockup completed this month.



  1. Looks awesome bro. Also, great names. - Sean

  2. I really hope to see your pixels in a game someday. Because they are amazing.

  3. Thank you Marcelo! Some day! ;)
